University Libraries Promotion and Tenure Recognition

Victor Ruiz-Velasco

associate professor of anesthesiology
Book Title
Theology and Sanity
Frank J. Sheed
Book Description
This is a Catholic apologetics book that clearly explains the link between theological principles and the modern world. Among many topics, it nicely points out the difference between creation and evolution. Creation seeks to answer the question "How were things created?" and evolution seeks to answer the question "How did things evolve after they were created?"My favorite quote is: “…freedom to choose does not mean freedom to choose the consequences of our choice, for we are living in a universe, not a chaos: we can choose to do this or that, but the consequences of that choice will be governed by the laws of the universe in which we are. It is only if we use our freedom of choice that is, our freedom to choose without coercion to make choices in harmony with the reality of things in harmony with what God is, with what we are and with what all other things are that we achieve freedom in its sense as the fullness of being.” A great compendium of Theology—in my humble opinion.

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