University Libraries Promotion and Tenure Recognition

Jong K. Yun

associate professor of pharmacology
Book Title
The Purpose Driven Life
Rick Warren
Book Description
When I was younger, I used to approach difficult times/situations with the “Just do it” way, and I believed it usually solved the problems. As I got older, I realized that the “Just do it” way only minimized the problems without any resolutions to the questions of “Why?” and “How?” The Purpose Driven Life addresses these questions by providing the forty-day journey of enlightening and inspiring biblical-based real-life stories and discussions. Each chapter ends with the “Point to Ponder” and “Questions to Consider.” This book showed me the importance of “the purpose driven life” by providing the big picture of how all pieces of my life fit together. As a Christian, a husband, and the father of my children, this book provided the foundation of my perspectives in guiding our family to live in a “purpose-driven” way. Importantly, this book, at its most fundamental level, also helped me to effectively teach and mentor the next generation of medical doctors and scientists in a “purpose-driven” way.

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