University Libraries Promotion and Tenure Recognition

Stephan J. Woods

associate librarian
Book Title
Simply Christian: Why Christianity Makes Sense
N.T. Wright
Book Description
Wow! Sharing a book with others in this fashion can get personal really fast. Why choose this book? First, Solomon once said that there is nothing new under the sun. This is most true when one considers questions of faith, spirituality, and meaning. For me this book by N.T. Wright has an amazing capacity to discuss timeless questions in a new and engaging way. Why is justice fair? Why are so many people pursuing spirituality? Why do we crave relationship? And why is beauty so beautiful? N. T. Wright argues that each of these questions takes us into the mystery of who God is and what he wants from us.Second, I wrestled with the desire to recommend adding a book that would be timeless and selecting a book that was not already part of the collection. It is a risk at this juncture to claim that this book will be enduring, but I can settle in my own conscience that I selected a book that will add further to the breadth and depth of the collection. Finally, it is my hope that like me others will find this book enjoyable, accessible, and meaningful.

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