University Libraries Promotion and Tenure Recognition

Linda H. Mason

associate professor of special education
Book Title
Handbook of Learning Disabilities
L. Swanson, K. R. Harris, & S. Graham (Eds.)
Book Description
Respect for divergent thinking is paramount to one’s success as a researcher and teacher in the ever-changing field of learning disabilities. Knowledge regarding best instructional practice, assessment, and the methodologies used to test research questions is critical. This knowledge needs to be well-grounded in the theoretical frameworks established by pioneers and those currently prominent in the field. Handbook of Learning Disabilities is an exemplar of well-grounded research and its implications for practice. This special book has been a valuable resource for me throughout my career. I am honored to recognize this book as it was edited by two mentors, colleagues, and friends to whom I owe a great deal of gratitude: my advisor Karen Harris, and Steve Graham.

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