University Libraries Promotion and Tenure Recognition

Mihai Covasa

associate professor of nutritional sciences
Book Title
Neuroanatomy and Physiology of Abdominal Vagal Afferents
Sue Ritter, Robert C. Ritter, Charles D. Barnes
Book Description
I have chosen this book in honor of my mentor and friend, Robert C. Ritter, professor of Physiology and Neuroscience at Washington State University. Bob has had a tremendous impact on my career and life through his thoughtfulness and great wisdom, his enthusiasm for science, and the willingness to share his enormous knowledge and talents. Bob instilled in me the true values of an academic and, above all, he instilled in me the true values of a human being. I am, and will always be, inspired by his dedication to help people unconditionally, his joy for life, and his constant reminder that despite everything else, people are still good at heart.

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