University Libraries Promotion and Tenure Recognition

Bryan E. Anderson

associate professor of dermatology
Book Title
Andrew's Diseases of the Skin Clinical Dermatology
James, Berger, Elston
Book Description
The book I have chosen has been an inspiration and guiding force in my career in dermatology and academic medicine. The clarity of the writing and breadth of information available makes this the most important dermatology textbook available. I have read the book three full times, and continue to learn from it with each reading. It is more than just a reference book. If I or any other person could know everything in this book, we would be considered among the greatest dermatologists. There is no other general dermatology textbook that even comes close. It is the standard by which all other books to come will be judged.It has been my goal to try to live up to the standard that this book has given me. It is a fantastic read for any dermatologist (resident to department head). It is inspiring, in that it encourages excellency in everything from patient care to writing style and how to put down on paper what you see in front of your own two eyes. The authors do this with an ease that so few others have duplicated.

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