University Libraries Promotion and Tenure Recognition
Michael D. McNeese
professor of information sciences and technology
Book Title
Celebration of Discipline: The Path to Spiritual Growth
Book Description
Often times we think that our formation is solely the product of intellectual growth and cognitive development. That is true to an extent, but the holistic progression of self goes far beyond this given. I have chosen Foster's book, Celebration of Discipline, as one of the most influential books in my life, as it emphasizes the roles of spiritual formation and discipline as defining elements of who I have become. I have found that putting these classical spiritual disciplines into practice broadens my own awareness, and allows me to see things differently which is so important for learning, discovery, and scholarship. As Foster points out, when disciplines jointly operate together, a person more easily experiences the presence of God and in turn celebrates life. That presence enables inner transformations that heal wounds, provide rest, reveal truth, yield peace, and bind love in highly integral ways. These attributes are all valuable in the broader life of an academic.