University Libraries Promotion and Tenure Recognition
Ivan E. Esparragoza
associate professor of engineering
Book Title
Globalization, Engineering, and Creativity (Synthesis Lectures on Engineer, Technology and Society)
Book Description
The establishment of new regional economic alliances beyond the frontiers of a single nation requires that engineers be prepared to work in an economy that is now best seen as essentially international. It is evident that engineers are facing new challenges in a competitive global market, and there is an urgent call from the industry and the government to educate the engineers of the twenty-first century, which they describe as world class engineers, leaders, visionaries, innovators, and entrepreneurs, committed to the social environment and with a clear sense of the common good. I have found this book as a great source of information to understand globalization, and its impact on engineering. It presents the topics with a social and political perspective, that are fundamental to cultivate some of the new competencies required for the world-class engineers. My classes have been greatly impacted by this book, since I have introduced some of the concepts in my lectures. Additionally, my research agenda on global engineering education has been also inspired and influenced by this book.