University Libraries Promotion and Tenure Recognition

Robin M. Bower

associate professor of Spanish
Book Title
The Subject in Question: Early Contemporary Spanish Literature and Modernism
C. Christopher Soufas
Book Description
Professor Soufas's work has had a tremendous impact on my personal and professional development. His energetic and challenging undergraduate teaching inspired me first to become fluent in Spanish and competent as a reader of Hispanic literatures, and then, to pursue a career in higher education as a teacher and scholar of medieval Spanish letters and culture. This book embodies what I find most exciting about Chris' scholarship and what I try to emulate in my own work. The same dynamism and forceful inquiry that he brought to the classroom invigorates his reading of early contemporary texts, a reading that challenges Spanish literary history's received ideas, opening these texts in new ways for expert readers, and newly opening them to, and through, a more expansive European context.

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