University Libraries Promotion and Tenure Recognition

David J. Spector

Professor of Microbiology and Immunology and Distinguished Educator
Book Title
Fields Virology
D. M. Knipe et al
Book Description
My inspiration to study animal virology came from two sources. One was the book Microbe Hunters, which describes three hundred years in the development of the study of infectious diseases, both bacterial and viral. The second was a talk given by Salvador Luria that described how Max Delbruck recruited a critical mass of scientists to study bacterial viruses in the mid 20th century, leading to rapid progress in investigations of the molecular biology of prokaryotes. The study of animal viruses promised to do the same for the molecular biology of animal cells. For twenty years, Fields Virology has assembled the world's expert virologists to deliver the definitive reference on both of these aspects of the modern science of virology: the study of pathogenesis in the natural host and the molecular mechanisms governing viral life cycles and virus-cell interactions.

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