University Libraries Promotion and Tenure Recognition
Jonna M. Kulikowich
Professor of Education
Book Title
Handbook of Educational Psychology
Book Description
As an educational psychologist who specializes in research methodology, it is extremely important for me to stay as current as possible with theoretical and practical developments in my field. I selected the Handbook of Educational Psychology, 2nd Edition, for it is the most comprehensive and up-to-date volume of scholarly works representing the landscape of my field in terms of its scope, depth, and horizons to explore new research and teaching practices. Additionally, several of the authors who have contributed chapters in the handbook are considered pioneers in the field, and in many instances, they happen to be among my close friends and colleagues. The Handbook is not only a reminder of several efforts dedicated to the pursuit of excellence in educational psychology, but also, of a field filled with compassion in findings ways to help learners of all ages pursue their academic dreams. I can look at its cover and fondly remember how many authors who provided contributions opened doorways for me to realize my academic dreams. In turn, I hope to do the same for others.