University Libraries Promotion and Tenure Recognition
Jerry Y. Harrington
Associate Professor of Meteorology
Book Title
Clouds in a Glass of Beer
Book Description
There are a number of books that have had a strong influence on my life and so I had a very hard time making a choice. However, in the end, I decided to chose Dr. Craig Bohren's book because it had the strongest influence on my academic life. I ran across Dr. Bohren's book, by accident, at the University of Iowa Bookstore. At the time I was an undergraduate majoring in Physics. I wanted to go to graduate school but didn't want to spend the rest of my life as a post-doc, which seemed to be the curse of most Physics Ph.D.s at the time. Dr. Bohren's book interested me a great deal as it dealt with Atmospheric Physics. What interested me more was that Dr. Bohren had left Physics and had gone on to a scientific career in Meteorology. I always had a strong interest in the weather but I never thought that I could, perhaps, combine this interest with my desire to study Physics. Because of Dr. Bohren's book, I decided to do my graduate work in Atmospheric Science/Meteorology.