University Libraries Promotion and Tenure Recognition
Alfred G. Mueller II
Associate Professor of Communication Arts and Sciences
Book Title
Ambassador Morgenthau's Story
Book Description
From 1915 to 1923, the Young Turk regime of the crumbling Ottoman Empire massacred 1.5 million men, women, and children whose only crime was being born Armenian. Henry Morgenthau, United States Ambassador to Ottoman Turkey, revealed to the world the horrors and the scope of the Armenian Genocide by providing detailed accounts of the massacres, of meetings with the perpetrators, and of conversations with the survivors. As I proceed through my own life's journey, I would like to one day embody the courage and resolve that Morgenthau did. Indeed, I fervently hope that my own life's work will lend a voice to those whom others would seek to silence and, in so doing, do some good.