University Libraries Promotion and Tenure Recognition

Joanne Rutkowski

Professor, Music Education and Coordinator, Music Education Programs
Book Title
Handbook of Research on Music Teaching and Learning: A Project of the Music Educators National Conference
Colwell, Richard (Editor)
Book Description
Research in the field of Music Education is relatively new: The premier national research journal just celebrated 50 years of publication in the Spring of 2003. The "Handbook of research on music teaching and learning" was the first attempt to summarize research in the field to date and to propose possible avenues of exploration in the future. It was a great honor to be approached by the editor to write a chapter on "Curriculum" for the handbook and to review other chapters prepared for inclusion. The invitation was even more meaningful because it was extended to me and my former doctoral advisor, Maria Runfola at the University at Buffalo. Writing the chapter provided a wonderful opportunity for us to work collaboratively on a research topic about which we both felt passionate. The experience also reinforced for me the incredible organizational and writing skills of Dr. Runfola as well as the depth and breadth of her expertise. We worked together beautifully which resulted in a wonderfully positive experience. Since that time I have co-authored other chapters and became aware just how unique that experience had been! While I would have liked to have selected a new book for the library holdings, I just could not think of a book that had more special meaning to me than this Handbook. It recognized me as a significant contributor to research in Music Education and provided the opportunity to work with a person who played a significant role in my professional life. I would not have pursued a Ph.D. or a career in higher education had it not been for Dr. Runfola's encouragement, guidance, and mentorship. It was an honor to be included in the Handbook and to work on such an important project with such an extraordinary person.

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