University Libraries Promotion and Tenure Recognition
Zi-Kui Liu
Associate Professor of Material Science and Engineering
Book Title
Phase Equilibria, Phase Diagrams and Phase Transformations : Their Thermodynamic Basis
Book Description
Prof. Hillert is a foreign member of the National Academy of Engineering with the following citation: "For establishing a computerized thermodynamic/kinetic system to predict complex multi-component phase relationships, now adopted internationally for materials engineering applications".In 1987, Mats Hillert offered me a graduate assistantship in his research group at Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Stockholm, Sweden. I stayed in the department for nine years. In 1998, Professor Hillert published this book based on his lecture notes used for many years at KTH. This book demonstrates Professor Hillert's unique and sophisticated understanding of the field. I feel very fortunate that I had the opportunity to study in his group and thus master this critically important subject in materials science and engineering, which is a core component of my current research activities at Penn State. Based on his book, I named my research group "Phases Research Lab" and decided to use this book as the textbook in the graduate course "Thermodynamics of Materials".