University Libraries Promotion and Tenure Recognition

Shelby J. Fleischer

Professor of Entomology
Book Title
Insect Ecology
Peter W. Price
Book Description
Insects are incredibly diverse. They can lay an honest claim, today, to being the most successful terrestrial group of animals, their study encompasses all scales of biological organization, and they have provided me an unending means of making a living as a biologist and scholar. I am confident that they will continue to provide this biological platform, and for this, I am grateful.This book - Insect Ecology - helped me understand this diverse group in a broad perspective of biological organisms and their environments. This understanding forms a base for my scholarly and practical contributions to the relationships of insects with humans and society. I make my living at the interface of insects and humans, typically in agricultural settings. It is only fitting that I highlight Insect Ecology as a base from which to understand the Insecta, and thus better understand our own place in our evolving biological world.

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