University Libraries Promotion and Tenure Recognition

Suzanne S. Elder

Associate Professor of Theatre
Book Title
The Costume Technician's Handbook
Rosemary Ingham and Liz Covey
Book Description
I have selected The Costume Technician's Handbook as my tenure selection for the library because the authors, Rosemary and Liz are long time friends and colleagues who perhaps, better than anyone else, know and understand what exactly it is that I do for a living. What I have done, both professionally and educationally, for the past 28 years. The answer is in this wonderful edition. It is a compilation, a "bible" of sorts for myself and the majority of my colleagues and students who are, or hope to become, professional costume technicians. What exactly does a costume technician do, you might ask? The answer is found in this volume, which two exceptional, professional, and dear friends took the time and energy to write down. With this effort, these women of the theatre have validated the artistry and craftsmanship of a profession that has for years, been overlooked or taken for granted.

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