University Libraries Promotion and Tenure Recognition

Rebecca S. Albitz

Associate Librarian
Book Title
Alfred Hitchcock
Book Description
Almost everyone can say they have a favorite film. But, few can say that a film has had a life-altering affect on them. I can say that about the film Rebecca. The title (for obvious reasons) was one of the initial attractions, as was the director, Alfred Hitchcock. After watching this mix of suspense, horror and gothic romance, I was determined to study film, and chose the University I attended based on this decision.
After completing a bachelor's and master's degree in film, reality reared its ugly head, and I was forced to admit that these degrees wouldn't pay the rent (or help me pay off my student loans). Librarianship offered the opportunity to continue to work with film both as a discipline and a medium, and I did so in positions at Iowa and NYU.
Here at Penn State my career has taken a slightly different path, but I am still able to apply much of what I have learned from my film background in my current position. Copyright is an issue in both film and educational communities, and many of the issues I work with touch on media copyright. Who says a film degree is worthless? I remind myself that it has had value for me every time I hear the famous opening line from Rebecca-- "Last night, I dreamt I went to Manderley again."

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