Guideline UL-HRG02 Job Enrichment


  • Purpose
  • Guidelines


The purpose of the Job Enrichment Program is to provide faculty and staff with opportunities to learn new skills and gain job knowledge through work experience in other Libraries' units.


1. Eligibility

All faculty and staff are eligible for this program, however, due to contract restrictions, unionized employees are not eligible. Supervisors may exercise discretion over whom to allow to participate in the program.

2. Duration and Schedule

The length of the program and the scheduled hours should be agreed upon prior to the beginning of the enrichment experience. Generally, participants work a minimum of 2 hours per week for a period of a year. More time may be required during the training period. Participants are expected to report for their regularly scheduled hours as they would in their home units. Project-based programs that promote intense learning experiences are allowed and may require alternative scheduling. Notification and requests for time off should be handled as one normally would in the home unit. Early termination of the enrichment experience should be agreed upon by the participant's supervisor and the supervisor in the receiving unit.

3. Training

Training will be provided for all participants by the receiving unit.

4. Evaluation and Feedback

Participants will have an opportunity to provide feedback about their training and exchange experience to their supervisor and department head. The supervisor in the receiving unit will provide feedback to the participant's supervisor and department head about their contributions and performance in the unit. This information can be incorporated into the participant's Annual Performance Evaluation.

5. Documentation

Employees should complete a written Agreement for Job Enrichment Program form (on staff site) describing the terms of the participation. At the commencement of the program, a copy of the agreement should be forwarded to the Libraries Human Resources Office and the Assistant/Associate Dean who oversees the Job Enrichment Program and maintains documentation on the history and participants in the program.

6. Job Enrichment Opportunities

While a job enrichment program can commence at any time upon agreement of all parties, the Libraries will annually discuss enrichment opportunities in the spring. Employees interested in engaging in a job enrichment program should inform their supervisor of their interest and preferences prior to this meeting.

7. How to Apply

Employees should begin by consulting with their supervisor. The employee's supervisor will investigate opportunities for a job enrichment experience on the employee's behalf and make arrangements with other units. Final approval of the agreement will be given by the appropriate Department Head or administrator. Once an appropriate enrichment opportunity is identified, the employee should download, print and complete the Agreement for Job Enrichment Program form (see staff site). (This document is in PDF, Portable Document Format. If you do not have Acrobat Reader, please visit the Adobe web site to download a free version of the software.)

8. Payroll Considerations

Faculty and exempt staff are paid on a salaried basis, therefore participation in a job enrichment experience does not affect their compensation. Non-exempt staff are paid for hours worked, and job enrichment time is counted as hours worked. Since non-exempt staff must be paid at overtime rates for hours in excess of 40 per week, it is important that their schedule and workload are properly managed so that participation in the Job Enrichment Program does not result in the Libraries incurring overtime expense.

Effective Date: February 2003
Date Approved: February 20, 2003 (Department Heads)

Revision History (and effective dates):

  • December 7, 2009 – Revised; section added on payroll considerations
  • February 10, 2003 – Revised guideline
  • May 2000 – New guideline

Last Review Date: December 2009