- Purpose
- Eligibility
- Process
- Cross References
To outline the University Libraries guidelines and approval process for full-time Libraries faculty and exempt staff employees to be placed on a supplemental appointment for extra work assignments at a Penn State Commonwealth Campus/unit, which are outside of the employee’s Libraries primary position.
Supplemental appointments occur when a Libraries faculty or exempt staff member performs extra assignments/activities for other Penn State Campuses/units outside of their primary Libraries position and for which supplemental salary is offered. Supplemental appointments to a University Libraries' employee may be considered for duties, such as (list may not be all-inclusive; supplemental payment is not guaranteed and is determined by the unit requesting supplemental appointment):
- Teaching non-LST courses - for-credit or non-credit,
- Leading program offerings (e.g., continuing education, badging),
- Directing independent studies,
- Supervising for-credit internships,
- Providing formal advising responsibilities,
- Directing undergraduate honors or graduate theses, or
- Serving on graduate committees.
Consideration for Supplemental Appointments will follow University Policy guidelines, as outlined in University Policy HR90. Compensation for approved Supplemental Appointments are subject to the terms of the University’s Supplementary Compensation Information for Full-time Academic and Exempt Staff documentation.
NOTE: Supplementary appointments cannot be made to non-exempt staff or technical service employees; therefore, employees classified as such are not eligible for supplemental compensation. Hours of work performed for any Penn State Campus/unit by a nonexempt staff or employee covered by a collective bargaining agreement that is an excess of 40 hours/week is subject to the overtime provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act.
NOTE: In no case should a budget executive approve supplemental compensation for work that is part of the exempt employee's job responsibilities.
To be considered for a Supplemental Appointment, the eligible employee must complete and submit the Supplemental Payment Form to their supervisor. Ideally, requests will be submitted for approval prior to the start of each semester in which the covered activities are to be completed. The supervisor will discuss with the respective Department Head and Associate Dean, and the Department Head, or their designee, will communicate the final decision to employee, budget/finance, and unit HR, preferably via email.
Employees and supervisors must review and adhere to the supplemental provisions linked in University Policy HR90. The budget administrator and financial officer will advise on supplemental pay provisions (e.g., supplements cannot be paid from grant income) to ensure compliance with IRS regulations and University policy, such as RA64.
If approved, the Commonwealth Campus and/or unit initiates the Workday process for the compensation of the supplemental appointment. Payment must be made in the same tax year and cannot be made more than 6 months past when services are rendered.
- LST - Library Studies
- Non-LST - Non-Library Studies
Other Policies in this manual should also be referenced, especially the following:
- UL-IN02 Teaching by Libraries' Employees
- University Policy HR90 - Extra Compensation for Exempt Staff Employees
- Provisions - Supplementary Compensation Information for Full-time Academic and Exempt Staff
- RA64 - Personnel Costs
Effective Date: February 2005
Date Approved: November 15, 2004 (Dean's Library Council)Revision History (and effective dates):
- March 2024 - Updated to replace release time under UL-IN02, including supplemental assignments/compensation
- November 15, 2004 – Revised policy
- May 7, 2001– New policy
Last Review Date: January 2010