Guideline UL-ADG05 Use of Media Site Live


  • Background
  • Purpose
  • Guidelines
  • Reservation Process
  • Cross References
  • Attachments


Media Site Live utilizes technology to broadcast events using streaming audio and video via an Internet browser.  A workstation must have Internet Explorer (5.5 or higher) along with the Windows Media Player (6.4 or higher) to view Media Site Live presentations.

Broadcasts may be viewed at  Presentations may be limited to a selected audience by using a login ID and password.  This is accomplished by working directly with the MTSS technician who will be broadcasting the event.


The use of Media Site Live is intended to encourage participation of Libraries’ faculty and staff from all locations at presentations they might not be able to attend in person (i.e., faculty at campus locations for participation in Library Faculty Organization meetings).

Requests to use Media Site Live will be approved based on the following criteria:

  • Dean’s Office Events (i.e., State of the Libraries’ Forums)
  • Other Libraries’ Events (speakers, donor events, etc.)
  • Library Faculty Organization Meetings including LFO Promotion and Tenure Workshops
  • Technology Forums
  • Administrative Interviews (i.e., Assistant or Associate Dean candidates)

Media Site Live is not intended for interactive instruction sessions, staff instruction, or department staff meetings nor should it be used for faculty candidate presentations.

Requests for use of Media Site Live that do not fall within the above criteria will need to be approved by the Dean.


Media Site Live technology is best utilized for a single speaker, using a Power Point presentation.  (See attached suggested guidelines for preparing the Power Point presentation.)  The presentation can simply be a one-page slide that has the title of the event, the presenter’s name, date, and time of the event.  Foster Auditorium is presently the ONLY location where this technology may be utilized within the University Libraries.

Display for people viewing at a distance is a small video window on the left and a larger viewing window on the right which projects the image on the workstation or nothing at all.  Keep this in mind when preparing for a presentation or share this with the individual who will be presenting.

  1. Wear bright colored clothing for better display in broadcasting.
  2. Use a hand held microphone or lapel microphone and be sure to speak directly into it.  People participating from a distance cannot hear if you do not speak directly into the microphone.
  3. If the presentation will include a panel discussion or will be a forensic format, be certain to appoint an individual to moderate the discussion.
  4. Use the floor microphones and ask people who wish to make comments to go to one of the microphones to speak.  If anyone speaks out in the audience without stepping up to the microphone, be sure to repeat the question before answering it.
  5. Remind the presenter that people participating from a distance can ask questions using the ASK! Button, located on the left-hand side of the screen.
  6. For questions asked via the ASK! Button, designate an individual in the audience to read the questions displayed on a wireless laptop.  This person needs to use a microphone as well.  Identify someone to monitor questions sent via ASK! Button.

Arrive at Foster Auditorium at least 15-20 minutes prior to the start time of the presentation.  The presenter should be available at this time so the microphone and sound/lighting can be tested.

Remind the presenter to welcome individuals participating from a distance; announce ground rules to “in-house” audience as well as audience at a distance.  These rules include: Raise hand before speaking and then speak into the microphone.  Speak clearly and directly into the microphone.  (This is the number one complaint received by those watching at a distance!)

Presentations will remain on the Libraries’ Media Site Live Web site for thirty days from the date of the presentation, unless specified for a shorter period of time on the MSL Information Form.  Requests for longer than thirty days must be received in writing by the Assistant to the Dean outlining the additional time requested and the reason for the exception.  The Dean’s Office will be responsible for determining the life span of materials placed on this resource.


  1. Reserve Foster Auditorium via Oracle Calendar.  (Refer to Guideline UL-ADG03 Use of Foster Auditorium for specific procedures).  Allow one hour for setup time of the equipment and 30 minutes for take down of the equipment, in addition to the duration of the presentation.
  2. Determine the date and time of the presentation.  Determine the audience and whether a login is required.  Acquire a photo of the presenter, if available, so that the image can be mounted in conjunction with the presentation.  Send the photo along with the MSL Information Form to the MTSS technician (  [Note: If a presenter is not a Libraries’ employee, written permission must be obtained to make the presentation available via the Internet as a Web cast.  Please have the presenter sign the Consent for Broadcasting-Recording-Distribution.pdf and send completed form to University Archives, 104 Paterno Library.]
  3. Schedule a MTSS technician by completing the Media Site Live Information Form. Each request will be approved or declined, based on the criteria listed above. 
  4. A poll or questionnaire can be taken at the conclusion of the broadcast.  If you wish to do so, pop-up windows must be enabled on the viewer’s Internet browser.  Provide the question to the technician as soon as possible.  Be sure to phrase the question so that it can be answered “concretely.”  (Example: “Did you find this broadcast of XYZ to be useful and should we do it again?” Answers: a) Yes, definitely; b) No, don’t bother.”
  5. Request to have the presentation “burned” onto a CD-ROM.  Also request that the file listing the IP addresses of the Media Site Live participants be burned to the CD along with an output of the questions asked and poll responses, if used.  Total number of CDs needed should be noted on the MSL Information Form.  As appropriate, at least one CD ROM should be annotated with the name of the presentation, date, and presenters and sent to University Archives, 104 Paterno Library, for archiving.


Other Guidelines in this manual should also be referenced, especially the following:

Guideline UL-ADG03 Use of Foster Auditorium
Form:  Media Site Live Information Form
Form:  Consent for Broadcasting Recording and Distribution Form

Effective Date: February 8, 2007
Date Approved: February 8, 2007 (Department Heads)

Revision History (and effective dates):

  • February 19, 2008 – Revised guideline; removal of Media Site Live Calendar
  • February 8, 2007 – Revised guideline
  • February 1, 2006 – Edited guideline
  • August 1, 2005 – New guideline

Last Review Date:  November 2009