Policy UL-AD17 Cellular Telephones for Use by Employees


  • Purpose
  • Policy
  • Determination of Need
  • Cross References


To provide a policy for the University Libraries for the use of University issued cell phones by employees, and to allow for the reimbursement of business use of employee owned cell phones.  This policy follows University policy FN21, Non-Office Telecommunications Services (Formerly BS19).


For several years the University has provided cell phones for use by employees in the conduct of their work.  Changes to the University policy have been made to account for the occasional need of the employees to use these phones to contact family or make calls where it is either impossible or inconvenient to do so from wired telephones, so long as these personal calls do not add to the cost of the cell phone service, and if they do, to require reimbursement to the University.

With anticipated changes to the applicable IRS code, it will be necessary to restrict the use of a University issued cell phone to University business related calls only.

An alternative available to allow employees who need to have cell phone access to conduct University business is for the employee to request reimbursement for University business use of their personal cell phone, with a limit of reimbursement being the lower of the following:

  1. Based on University policy, for usage to conduct University business demonstrated by presenting original bill for private cell phone service as a percentage of the total in plan usage up to $25. 
  2. A fixed dollar amount of half of the cost of the service plan, the limit in plan size being the minimum size required to conduct University Libraries’ business, or $25 per month, whichever is less.

These reimbursement amounts will be reviewed on an annual basis.

A Cellular Usage Agreement (staff only) must be completed and signed for each employee who has been or will be issued a University cell phone, and for those who wish to seek reimbursement for University related business use of a private cell phone.  This form can be found under GURU and the PSU Employee Policy Manual.


A request by an employee for cell phone service to conduct University business, or for reimbursement for the use of a private cell phone to be used to conduct University business, must be approved per University policy.


This policy must comply with the University policy FN21 regarding issuance and use of cellular phones.  Any changes in University policy must be reflected in this policy.  University policy FN14, Use of University Tangible Assets, Equipment, Supplies and Services also applies to the use of a University issued cell phone.

Effective Date: April 3, 2006
Date Approved: April 3, 2006 (Dean's Library Council)

Revision History (and effective dates):

  • November 2009 – Revised; Reimbursement amount raised from $20 to $25
  • August 2007 – Revised; Reimbursement amount raised from $15 to $20
  • April 3, 2006 – New policy

Last Review Date:  November 2009