Policy UL-AD06 Staff Lounges (University Park)


To state the University Libraries' position on the use of staff lounges available in Paterno and Pattee Library.


The University Libraries' administration has made available three attractive staff lounges for breaks and meals of all Libraries' employees, including janitorial and security staff.  These lounges are equipped with a seating area and a kitchen area (sink, refrigerator, and microwave) and are located as follows:

Paterno Library: First and Fifth Floors
Pattee Library: Third Floor West


  1. The doors are unlocked during the regular working day, Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.  Each department may have a key for the use of employees working at night or on weekends.  (Note: Times may vary for the staff lounge on First Floor Paterno to accommodate flexible work hours.)
  2. All users of the Staff Lounge are responsible for cleaning up after themselves when using the microwave, refrigerator, and other facilities.  Maintenance problems should be reported to the Libraries' Facilities Office at 865-4633.
  3. Users of the lounge are expected to respect the rights of others.  Quiet conversations are appropriate.  Notify the Libraries' Facilities Office (5-4633) if there are unauthorized users or serious disturbances.
  4. An employee must accompany all guests.
  5. All leftover food must be removed from refrigerators every Friday, unless you work over a weekend.  Janitorial services will clean refrigerators the last Friday of each month.  Anything left in refrigerators will be disposed of on that day.
  6. Food should be disposed of by placing it in a covered waste container to control insects and other vermin.
  7. Staff lounge doors should remain closed at all times and especially when using the microwave.  Food odors spreading to public areas must be kept at a minimum.  Popcorn should not be cooked in microwave ovens if the odor permeates adjacent areas.  
  8. Food should be labeled with your name to avoid confusion in shared facilities.
  9. The Libraries is not responsible for refrigerators, microwaves, or coffeepots purchased by individual units.  Such units are expected to minimize odors in public areas or open office areas.
  10. Staff lounges may not be reserved for meetings but may be used on a limited basis for office parties at times other than the lunch break (11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.).

Effective Date: June 2000
Date Approved: June 19, 2000 (Dean's Library Council)

Revision History (and effective dates):

  • November 2, 2009 – Editorial revision; removed mention of third floor Paterno.  Room 307 Paterno is no longer used as a staff lounge.
  • June 19, 2000 – New policy

Last Review Date:  June 2022