Madlyn L. Hanes Library, Penn State Harrisburg

Madlyn L. Hanes Library, Penn State Harrisburg

Your Librarians

Archivist and Humanities Reference Librarian
Reference Librarian PSU Harrisburg and Affiliate Faculty UP Education Library PA Center for the Book
Head Librarian Harrisburg
Business Librarian
STEM Librarian
Reference and Instruction Librarian
See all staff

Library Guides

Information on how to use the library and conduct research


Map and Directions
351 Olmsted Drive
Middletown, PA 17057-4850


The Madlyn L. Hanes Library is a three-story, 115,000-square-foot, technologically advanced academic research library that includes 300,000 volumes and 1 million microforms. With access to 974 databases and 327,430 online full-text journals through the Penn State University Libraries, the facility provides extensive support to online and remote users. The building contains group and individual study spaces, computer workstations, Media Commons equipment, and a Lion Study Space. The librarians offer individual research assistance by appointment. The library also provides a wide array of course-integrated instruction, research workshops, and library tours.