Knovel eBooks provides access to highly desired handbooks, manuals, some textbooks, and other items in a cohesive fashion. It interacts with Engineering Village to provide seamless moving from journals to books, to providing tools to help use the information found in the eBooks. Examples include online graphing tools, materials information under different conditions, and equations for calculating using your data. Knovel is more books.
Special Access Notes
PSU access is limited to the following 23 subject modules:
Adhesives, Coatings, Sealants & Inks
Aerospace & Radar Technology
Biochemistry, Biology & Biotechnology
Chemistry & Chemical Engineering
Civil Engineering & Construction Materials
Computer Hardware Engineering
Electrical & Power Engineering
Electronics & Semiconductors
Environment & Environmental Engineering
Food Science
General Engineering & Project Administration
Industrial Engineering & Operations Management
Manufacturing Engineering
Mechanics & Mechanical Engineering
Metals & Metallurgy
Mining Engineering & Extractive Metallurgy
Oil & Gas Engineering
Optics & Photonics
Plastics & Rubber
Software Engineering
Sustainable Energy & Development
Transportation Engineering