Request a Geospatial or Maps Research Consultation

We provide consultation support and expertise for your geospatial, geographic information systems (GIS), and map research needs.

Direct general inquiries about our consultations services to Both remote and in-person consultations are welcome! Visit Research Informatics and Publishing for details.

Please feel free to use the following acknowledgement to recognize our consultation support: "We thank our colleagues at the Donald W. Hamer Center for Maps and Geospatial Information, University Libraries, Penn State, for providing expertise and insights in support of our work."


Request a Geospatial Consultation

Work with our experts to:

  • locate geospatial data or digital resources
  • explore geospatial desktop and online software applications including ESRI and open source options
  • further your analysis experience with working with geospatial information, imagery, and remote sensing data through hands-on experience.
  • Schedule an appointment with us to discuss your geospatial needs.

Request a Map Research Consultation

Work with out experts to: