Title | Date | Report No. | Accession No. |
Summary Technical Plan for TMI-2 Decontamination and Defueling | December 12, 1979 | (na) | R0286 |
Early Decontamination of TMI-II Reactor Building | February 1, 1981 | TPO/TMI-006 | R0190 |
Accountability Study for TMI-2 Fuel | May 1, 1981 | GEND-016 | R0021 |
Quick Look Report Entry 1, Three Mile Island Unit 2, July 23 1980 | June 1, 1981 | GEND-INF-001 | R0070 |
First Results of TMI-2 Sump Samples Analysis - Entry 10 | July 1, 1981 | GEND-INF-011 | R0080 |
Quick Look Report Entry 2, Three Mile Island Unit 2, August 15, 1980 | July 1, 1981 | GEND-INF-002 | R0071 |
Quick Look Report on HP-RT-0211 Multivalued Behavior | July 1, 1981 | GEND-INF-008 | R0077 |
Quick Look Report, Entry 5, Three Mile Island Unit 2, December 11, 1980 | August 1, 1981 | GEND-INF-005 | R0074 |
Quick Look Report, Entry 6, Three Mile Island Unit 2, February 3 and 5, 1981 | August 1, 1981 | GEND-INF-006 | R0075 |
Quick Look Report, Entry 7, Three Mile Island Unit 2, March 17, 19 , and 20, 1981 | August 1, 1981 | GEND-INF-007 | R0076 |
HP-RT-211 Cable Analysis | September 1, 1981 | GEND-INF-010 | R0079 |
TMI-2 Seminar, San Francisco, California, December 4-5, 1981 | December 1, 1981 | (na) | R0229 |
Field Measurements and Interpretation of TMI-2 Instrumentation: HP -R-212 | January 1, 1982 | GEND-INF-017, v.8 | R0096 |
Field Measurements and Interpretations of TMI-2 Instrumentation: H P-R-213 | January 1, 1982 | GEND-INF-017, v.9 | R0097 |
First Report of the Technical Assistance and Advisory Group, March 1, 1982 | March 1, 1982 | TAAG-0008 | R0254 |
Static In Situ Test of the Axial Power Shaping Rod and Shim Safety Control Rod Mechanisms | August 1, 1982 | GEND-INF-026 | R0115 |
Third Report of Technical Assistance and Advisory Group, August 31 , 1982 | August 31, 1982 | (na) | R0255 |
Reactor Building Basement Radionuclide Distribution Studies | October 1, 1982 | GEND-INF-011, v.2 | R0081 |
Fourth Report of the TMI-2 Technical Assistance and Advisory Group , December 1, 1982 | December 1, 1982 | (na) | R0257 |
Quick Look Inspection Results | December 1, 1982 | TPO/TMI-026 | R0197 |
Additional Addenda to Third Report of TAAG, December 29, 1982 | December 29, 1982 | (na) | R0256 |
TMI-2 Core Accountability | January 1, 1983 | TPO/TMI-035 | R0191 |
Submerged Demineralizer System Processing of TMI-2 Accident Waste Water | February 1, 1983 | GEND-031 | R0037 |
Quick Look Inspection: Report on the Insertion of a Camera Into th e TMI-2 Reactor Vessel Through a Lead Screw Opening - Volume I | March 1, 1983 | GEND-030, v.1 | R0035 |
Reactor Building Basement Radionuclide and Source Distribution Studies | June 1, 1983 | GEND-INF-011, v.3 | R0082 |
Sixth Report of the Technical Assistance and Advisory Group (TAAG) , April 1, 1983 - August 1, 1983 | August 1, 1983 | (na) | R0259 |
Summary Report: Development and Application of Technology Transfer Techniques for TMI-2 R & D Information | October 1, 1983 | GEND-INF-033 | R0126 |
Sequoyah Unit 1 Charge Converter Examination Results | January 1, 1984 | GEND-INF-046 | R0139 |
Chemical Analysis and Test Results for Sections of the TMI-2 H8 Leadscrew | February 1, 1984 | TPO/TMI-103 | R0200 |
Dose Modeling Underhead Source | April 1, 1984 | TPO/TMI-042 | R0198 |
Draft Eight Report of the Technical Assistance and Advisory Group (TAAG) | April 1, 1984 | (na) | R0260 |
Design and Operation of the Core Topography Data Acquisition System for TMI-2 | May 1, 1984 | GEND-INF-012 | R0083 |
TMI-2 Core Debris Grab Samples Analysis of First Group Samples | June 1, 1984 | EEG-TMI-6630 | R0232 |
TMI-2 Defueling Concept Which Allows the Use of Long Handled Defueling Tools | July 1, 1984 | TPO/TMI-135 | R0230 |
TMI-2 H8A Core Debris Sample Examination Final Report July 1984 | July 1, 1984 | RDD:85:5097-01:01 | R0228 |
Ninth Report of the Technical Assistance and Advisory Group (TAAG) , April 1, 1984 - August 1, 1984 | August 1, 1984 | (na) | R0261 |
Radioactive Waste Management Summary Review | August 1, 1984 | TPO/TMI-043 | R0199 |
Twelfth Report of the Technical Assistance and Advisory Group (TAA G), June 1, 1985 - September 1, 1985 | September 1, 1984 | (na) | R0263 |
Examination of Solenoid Valves AH-EP-5037 and AH-EP-5039 and Limit Switches AH-KS-5037 and AH-KS-5039 | December 1, 1984 | GEND-INF-018 | R0101 |
Tenth Report of the Technical Assistance and Advisory Group (TAAG) , August 1, 1984 - December 1, 1984 | December 1, 1984 | (na) | R0262 |
TMI-2 Core Debris-Cesium Release/Settling Test | December 1, 1984 | GEND-INF-060, v.3 | R0155 |
TMI-2 Defueling System Design Description | March 1, 1985 | GEND-INF-065 | R0160 |
TMI-2 Reactor Vessel Head Removal | March 1, 1985 | TPO/TMI-163 | R0202 |
Determination of Fuel Distribution in TMI-2 Based on Axial Neutron Flux Profile | April 1, 1985 | TPO/TMI-165 | R0203 |
Fuel Conditions and Locations | April 1, 1985 | TPO/TMI-166 | R0195 |
Solid-state Recorder Neutron Dosimetry in the Three Mile Island Un it-2 Reactor Cavity | May 1, 1985 | GEND-INF-059 | R0152 |
TMI-2 H8A Core Debris Sample Examination Final Report May 1985 | May 1, 1985 | GEND-INF-060, v.2 | R0154 |
Analysis of Gamma Scanning of In-core Detector #18 (L-11) in Lower Reactor Vessel Head | June 1, 1985 | TPO/TMI-175 | R0205 |
Core Material Volumetric Sensitivity Study | June 1, 1985 | TPO/TMI-158 | R0194 |
Canister Quantity Estimate | July 1, 1985 | TPO/TMI-152 | R0193 |
Preliminary Report: TMI-2 Core Debris Grab Samples -- Analysis of First Group of Samples | July 1, 1985 | GEND-INF-060, v.1 | R0153 |
Analysis of the TMI-2 Dome Radiation Monitor | August 1, 1985 | GEND-INF-063 | R0158 |
Post Accident Examination of Platinum Resistance Thermometers Installed in the TMI-2 Reactor | September 1, 1985 | GEND-INF-064 | R0159 |
TMI-2 Cable/Connections Program FY-85 Status Report | September 1, 1985 | GEND-INF-068 | R0163 |
TMI-2 Post-Accident Dose Reduction Through Coating Removal | September 1, 1985 | TPO/TMI-178 | R0206 |
Commercial Disposal of High Integrity Containers (HICs) Containing EPICOR-II Prefilters From Three Mile Island | October 1, 1985 | GEND-048 | R0054 |
ANS Executive Conference TMI-2: A Learning Experience Preparation for the Clean-up: Assessing the Damage | October 14, 1985 | MPR-889 | R0265 |
Analysis of the Polar Crane Pendant Cable from Three Mile Island Unit 2 | January 1, 1986 | GEND-INF-069 | R0164 |
Thirteenth Report of the Technical Assistance and Advisory Group ( TAAG), September 1, 1985 - January 31 1986 | January 3, 1986 | (na) | R0264 |
TMI-2 Defueling Tools Engineering Report | February 1, 1986 | GEND-INF-073 | R0168 |
Examination of the Leadscrew Support Tube from Three Mile Island Reactor Unit 2 | March 1, 1986 | GEND-INF-067 | R0162 |
Strategy for Recovery Program Completion and Post-Recovery Configuration | July 1, 1986 | TPO/TMI-186, Rev. O | R0196 |
Development of a Process Flowsheet for the Elution of Radiocesium from the TMI-2 Makeup and Purification Demineralizers (R0085) | October 1, 1986 | GEND-INF-013, v.2 | R0085 |
Development of a Process Flowsheet for the Elution of Radiocesium from the TMI-2 Makeup and Purification Demineralizers (R0018) | October 1, 1986 | GEND-013, v.2 | R0018 |
Core Conditions Design Basis | December 1, 1986 | TPO/TMI-151, Rev.1 | R0192 |
Reactor Coolant System Sample Results | December 1, 1986 | TPO/TMI-122 | R0201 |
Drop Tests of the Three Mile Island Knockout Canister | January 1, 1987 | GEND-058 | R0064 |
TMI-2 Sequence of Events Database Version 2.0 | February 1, 1987 | GEND-INF-079 | R0175 |
TMI-2 Core Cavity Sides and Floor Examinations December 1985 and January 1986 | February 1, 1987 | GEND-INF 074 | R0169 |
Lessons Learned from Hydrogen Generation and Burning During the TM I-2 Event | March 1, 1987 | RHO-RE-EV-95P | R0226 |
Examination of the TMI-2 Core Distinct Components | September 1, 1987 | GEND-INF-082 | R0178 |
TMI-2 RCS Manway Cover Backing Plates Surface Deposit Examinations | September 1, 1987 | GEND-INF-080 | R0176 |
TMI-2 Core Horseshoe Ring Examinations | October 1, 1987 | GEND-INF-083 | R0179 |
CB Version 2.0: TMI-2 Core Bore (CB) Data Base | November 1, 1987 | GEND-INF-076 | R0172 |
Examination of Debris from the Lower Head of the TMI-2 Reactor | January 1, 1988 | GEND-INF-084 | R0180 |
TMI-2 Reactor Coolant System Surface Deposit Examination (Draft) | January 1, 1988 | GEND-INF-089 | R0185 |
Test Data Report for Quarter Scale NuPac 125-B Rail Cask Model | February 1, 1988 | GEND-INF-091 | R0187 |
Chronology of Significant Events - March 1979 through May 1988 | May 1, 1988 | (na) | R0247 |
Overview and Organization of Three Mile Island Unit 2 Vessel Inves tigation Project | October 1, 1988 | (na) | R0251 |
Removal of Test Specimens from the TMI-2 Reactor Vessel Bottom Hea d - Summary of Work During 30 Day In-Vessel Period | April 16, 1990 | (na) | R0250 |
Removal of Test Specimens From the TMI-2 Reactor Vessel Bottom Hea d Project Summary -- Phase 4 Status Report | October 1, 1990 | MPR-1195 | R0236 |
Metallographic Investigation of TMI-2 Lower Pressure Vessel Head Samples | January 1, 1992 | TMIV(92)E002 | R0238 |
Examination Report of the Samples of the TMI-2 RPV Received by SCK /CEN (Belgium) | March 25, 1992 | N3/120/WVM/WH/ai | R0237 |
Metallographic Examinations of TMI-2 RPV Lower Head Sample E-8 and the Archive Material of Midland Reactor | April 1, 1992 | TMIV(92)SF01 | R0242 |
CEA Contributions to the TMI-2 Vessel Material Investigation Project - May 1992 | May 1, 1992 | N.T. SRMA 92-1956 | R0267 |
Service de Recherches Metallurgiques Appliques | May 1, 1992 | N.T.SRMA 92-1956 | R0249 |
TMI-2 Vessel Investigation Project - Creep Tests (Spanish Results) | May 1, 1992 | TMIV(92)E004 | R0239 |
Companion Sample Examinations | July 1, 1992 | TMIV(92)EG10 | R0241 |
Three Mile Island Unit 2 Vessel Investigation Project Conclusions and Significance | January 1, 1993 | (na) | R0252 |
Fifth Report of the TMI-2 Technical Assistance and Advisory Group (TAAG), April 1, 1983 | April 1, 1993 | (na) | R0258 |
Calculations to Estimate the Margin to Failure in the TMI-2 Vessel | October 1, 1993 | TMI V993)EG01 | R0245 |
TMI-2 Vessel Investigation Project (TMI-VIP) Findings | November 23, 1993 | (na) | R0253 |