An alphabetical listing of materials acquired for the Penn State Harrisburg Library with Capital Campaign and Endowment funds.
Aalders, Gerard. Nazi Looting: The Plunder of Dutch Jewry during the Second World War. DS135.N4A2313 2004.
Abrahamsen, Samuel. Norway's Response to the Holocaust. DS135.N8A27 1991.
Abramovich, S., ed. Smuggled in Potato Sacks: Fifty Stories of the Hidden Children of the Kaunas Ghetto. D804.48.S588 2011.
Abramowitz, Mayer. Unsafe Haven. PS3551.B648.U97 2005.
Adams, Jenni, ed. Representing Perpetrators in Holocaust Literature and Film. PN56.H55R47 2013.
Adelman, Howard, ed. Path of a Genocide: The Rwanda Crisis from Uganda to Zaire. DT450.435.P385 1999.
Adelson, Alan, ed. Lodz Ghetto: Inside a Community under Siege. DS135.P62L6441354 1989.
Adler, David A. A Hero and the Holocaust: The Story of Janusz Korczak and his Children. JUV DS135.P63K568 2002.
_____. The Number on My Grandfather's Arm. JUV PZ7.A2615Nu 1987.
_____. A Picture Book of Anne Frank. JUV DS135.N6F7313 1993.
Adler, H. G. The Journey: A Novel. PT2601.D614R4513 2009.
_____. Panorama: A Novel. PT2601.D614P313 2010.
Albert-Lake, Virginia D'. An American Heroine in the French Resistance: The Diary and Memoir of Virginia D'Albert-Lake.D805.5.R38A43 2006.
Aleksandrowicz-Pędich, Lucyna, ed. Reconstructing Jewish Identity in Pre- and Post-Holocaust Literature and Culture. PN842.R43 2012.
Allen, Michael Thad. The Business of Genocide: The SS, Slave Labor, and the Concentration Camps. DD253.6.A65 2002.
Altman, Linda Jacobs. Genocide: The Systematic Killing of a People. JUV D24.A57 1995.
_____. Crimes and Criminals of the Holocaust. JUV D804.34.A47 2004.
_____. Impact of the Holocaust. JUV D804.34.A494 2004.
Altshuler, David A. Hitler's War Against the Jews: A Young Reader's Version of The War Against the Jews, 1933-1945 by Lucy S. Dawidowicz.JUV D810.J4A475 1978.
Aly, Götz. Architects of Annihilation: Auschwitz and the Logic of Destruction. D804.3.A4613 2002.
_____. Cleansing the Fatherland: Nazi Medicine and Racial Hygiene. R853.H8A42 1994.
_____. Into the Tunnel: The Brief Life of Marion Samuel, 1931-1943. SCHWAB DS134.42.S26A6813 2007.
America and the Holocaust: Deceit and Indifference. DVD C00479.
Améry, Jean. At the Mind's Limits: Contemplations by a Survivor on Auschwitz and its Realities. D810.J4A62213 1980.
Amiel, Irit. Scorched: A Collection of Short Stories on Survivors. PJ5055.12.M54T7413 2006.
Amkraut, Brian. Between Home and Homeland: Youth Aliyah from Nazi Germany. DS135.G3315.A547 2006.
Andrzejewski, Jerzy. Holy Week: A Novel of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising. PG7158.A7W5413 2007.
Angress, Werner T. Between Fear and Hope: Jewish Youth in the Third Reich. DS135.G33J83213 1988.
Angrick, Andrej. The "Final Solution" in Riga: Exploitation and Annihilation, 1941-1944. DS135.L32R5313 2009.
Anonymous. A Woman in Berlin: Eight Weeks in the Conquered City: A Diary. D757.9.B4W66 2005.
Anti-Defamation League. Hitler's Apologists: The Anti-Semitic Propaganda of Holocaust "Revisionism." D804.35.H58 1993.
Anti-Semitism in the 21st Century: The Resurgence. DVD C00490.
Anzulovic, Branimir. Heavenly Serbia: From Myth to Genocide. DR1965.A59 1999.
Appelfeld, Aharon. The Story of a Life. PJ5054.A755Z47313 2004.
Arad, Gulie Ne'eman. America, its Jews, and the Rise of Nazism. E184.36.P64A73 2000.
Arad, Yitzhak. Belzec, Sobibor, Treblinka: The Operation Reinhard Death Camps. D805.P7A727 1987.
_____. Documents on the Holocaust: Selected Sources on the Destruction of the Jews of Germany and Austria, Poland, and the Soviet Union.D804.19.D63 1999.
_____. The Einsatzgruppen Reports: Selections from the Dispatches of the Nazi Death Squads' Campaigns against the Jews.D804.3.E46 1989.
_____. Ghetto in Flames: The Struggle and Destruction of the Jews in Vilna in the Holocaust. DS135.R93V39913 1982.
_____. In the Shadow of the Red Banner: Soviet Jews in the War against Nazi Germany. DS134.85.A72513 2010.
Arens, Moshe. Flags over the Warsaw Ghetto: The Untold Story of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising. D765.2.W3A854513 2011.
Arich-Gerz, Bruno. Mittelbau-Dora: American and German Representations of a Nazi Concentration Camp: Literature, Visual Media and the Culture of Memory from 1945 to the Present. D805.5.D6A753 2009.
The Armenian Genocide. DVD C00588.
The Armenians: A Story of Survival. DVD C00655.
Arnothy, Christine. I Am Fifteen—And I Don't Want to Die. JUV PQ2601.R619Z56 1956.
Aronson, Shlomo. Hitler, the Allies, and the Jews. DS135.G3315A76 2004.
Askin, Kelly Dawn. War Crimes Against Women: Prosecution in International War Crimes Tribunals. K5301.A85 1997.
Atkins, Stephen E. Holocaust Denial as an International Movement. D804.355.A85 2009.
The Attic: The Hiding of Anne Frank. VIDEO CASS. C1091.
Auron, Yair. The Pain of Knowledge: Holocaust and Genocide Issues in Education. D804.33.A9713 2005.
Auschwitz: Inside the Nazi State. DVD C00213.
Auschwitz, 1940-1945: Central Issues in the History of the Camp. 5 vols. D805.5.A96A8713 2000.
Ausubel, Ramona. No One Is Here Except All of Us. PS3601.U868N6 2012.
Authers, John. The Victim's Fortune: Inside the Epic Battle over the Debts of the Holocaust. D810.C8A88 2002.
Avisar, Ilan. Screening the Holocaust: Cinema's Images of the Unimaginable. PN1995.9.H53A95 1988.
Bachrach, Susan. Deadly Medicine: Creating the Master Race. HQ755.5.G3D43 2004.
Bachrach, Zvi, ed. Last Letters from the Shoah. D804.195.L378 2004.
Baer, Elizabeth R., ed. Experience and Expression: Women, the Nazis, and the Holocaust. D804.47.E86 2003.
Bak, Samuel. Landscapes of Jewish Experience: Paintings. ND979.B27A4 1997.
Bak, Sofie Lene. Nothing to Speak of: Wartime Experiences of the Danish Jews, 1943-1945. DS135.D4B33713 2011.
Balakian, Peter. The Burning Tigris: The Armenian Genocide and America's Response. DS195.5.B353 2003.
Balberyszski, Mendel. Stronger than Iron: The Destruction of Vilna Jewry 1941-1945: An Eyewitness Account. DS135.L52V55213 2010.
Ball, Howard. Prosecuting War Crimes and Genocide: The Twentieth-Century Experience. KZ6310.B35 1999.
Banaji, Ferzina. France, Film, and the Holocaust: From Le Génocide to La Shoah. PN1995.9.H53B33 2012.
Bangert, Axel, ed. Holocaust Intersections: Genocide and Visual Culture at the New Millennium. PN1995.9.H53H67 2013.
Banki, Judith Herschcopf, ed. Ethics in the Shadow of the Holocaust: Christian and Jewish Perspectives. D804.3.E895 2001.
Bankier, David. The Germans and the Final Solution: Public Opinion under Nazism. DD256.5.B32 1992.
_____, ed. Probing the Depths of German Antisemitism: German Society and the Persecution of the Jews, 1933-1941. DS146.G4P75 2000.
Banner, Gillian. Holocaust Literature: Schulz, Levi, Spiegelman and the Memory of the Offence. PG7158.S294B36 2000.
Bardgett, Suzanne, ed. Belsen 1945: New Historical Perspectives. D805.5.B47B44 2006.
Barendregt, Jaap. Securities at Risk: The Restitution of Jewish Securities Stolen in the Netherlands during World War II.KKM3727.R46B37 2004.
Barnett, Michael. Eyewitness to a Genocide: The United Nations and Rwanda. DT450.435.B38 2002.
Barnett, Victoria J. Bystanders: Conscience and Complicity during the Holocaust. D804.3.B356 1999.
Bar-On, Dan. Legacy of Silence: Encounters with Children of the Third Reich. D804.3.B36 1989.
Bársony, János, ed. Pharrajimos: The Fate of the Roma during the Holocaust. D804.5.G85P43713 2008.
Bartoletti, Susan Campbell. Hitler Youth: Growing up in Hitler's Shadow. JUV DD253.5.B37 2005.
Bartov, Omer, ed. Holocaust: Origins, Implementation, Aftermath. D804.3.H6478 2000.
_____. In God's Name: Genocide and Religion in the Twentieth Century. HV6322.7.I5 2001.
Bartrop, Paul R. A Biographical Encyclopedia of Contemporary Genocide: Portraits of Evil and Good. HV6322.7.B373 2012.
_____. Fifty Key Thinkers on the Holocaust and Genocide. D804.3.B3636 2010.
_____. Surviving the Camps: Unity in Adversity during the Holocaust. D805.A2B365 2000.
Bauer, Yehuda. History of the Holocaust. JUV D804.34.B38 2001.
_____. The Holocaust in Historical Perspective. D810.J4B315824 1978.
_____. Jews for Sale?: Nazi-Jewish Negotiations, 1939-1945. DS135.G3315B38 1994.
_____. Rethinking the Holocaust. D804.348.B39 2001.
_____. They Chose Life: Jewish Resistance in the Holocaust. D810.J4B31583 1973.
Baumel, Judith Tydor. Double Jeopardy: Gender and the Holocaust. D804.47.B38 1998.
Baumslag, Naomi. Murderous Medicine: Nazi Doctors, Human Experimentation and Typhus. R853.H8B38 2005.
Bazyler, Michael J. Holocaust Justice: The Battle for Restitution in America's Courts. KF6075.B39 2002.
_____, ed. Holocaust Restitution: Perspectives on the Litigation and its Legacy. KF6075.H65 2006.
Beck, Gad. An Underground Life: The Memoirs of a Gay Jew in Nazi Berlin. DS135.G5B333 1999.
Becker, Elizabeth. When the War Was Over: Cambodia and the Khmer Rouge Revolution. DS554.8.B43 1998.
Beker, Avi, ed. The Plunder of Jewish Property during the Holocaust: Confronting European History. D810.C8P58 2001.
Bemporad, Jack, ed. Good and Evil after Auschwitz: Ethical Implications for Today. D804.3.G662 2000.
Ben-Itto, Hadassa. The Lie That Wouldn't Die: The Protocols of the Elders of Zion. DS145.P7B36 2005.
Bendremer, Jutta T. Women Surviving the Holocaust: In Spite of the Horror. D804.47.B46 1997.
Berenbaum, Michael, ed. After Tragedy and Triumph: Essays in Modern Jewish Thought and the American Experience. D804.3.B46 1990.
_____. The Holocaust and History: The Known, the Unknown, the Disputed, and the Reexamined. D804.18.H66 1998.
_____. A Mosaic of Victims: Non-Jews Persecuted and Murdered by the Nazis. D804.G4M63 1990b.
_____. The World Must Know: The History of the Holocaust as Told in the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. 2nd ed. D804.3.B464 2006
Berg, Mary. The Diary of Mary Berg: Growing up in the Warsaw Ghetto. D804.G4B382 2007.
Berga: Soldiers of Another War. DVD C00225.
Bergen, Doris L. War and Genocide: A Concise History of the Holocaust. DD256.5.B3916 2003.
Berger, Alan L., ed. Bearing Witness to the Holocaust, 1939-1989. D804.3.B42 1991.
_____. Second Generation Voices: Reflections by Children of Holocaust Survivors and Perpetrators. D804.195.S43 2001.
Berger, Alan L., and Gloria L. Cronin, eds. Jewish American and Holocaust Literature: Representation in the Postmodern World.PS153.J4J47 2004.
Berger, Joseph. Displaced Persons: Growing Up American after the Holocaust. F128.9.J5B43954 2001.
Berger, Ronald J. Fathoming the Holocaust: A Social Problems Approach. D804.348.B47 2002.
Berkowitz, Michael. Crime of My Very Existence: Nazism and the Myth of Jewish Criminality. DS146.G4B484 2007.
Bernard-Donals, Michael. Between Witness and Testimony: The Holocaust and the Limits of Representation. D804.3.B4645 2001.
_____. Witnessing the Disaster: Essays on Representation and the Holocaust. PN56.H55W58 2003.
Bernstein, Michael André. Foregone Conclusions: Against Apocalyptic History. PN56.H55B47 1994.
Bettelheim, Bruno. Surviving, and Other Essays. BF698.2.B47 1979.
Beyond Recall: A Record of Jewish Musical Life in Nazi Berlin 1933-1938. COMPACT DISC C0521 OVERSZ.
Biesold, Horst. Crying Hands: Eugenics and Deaf People in Nazi Germany. HV2748.B5413 1999.
Bigsby, Christopher. Remembering and Imagining the Holocaust: The Chain of Memory. PN56.H55B54 2006.
Billstein, Reinhold. Working for the Enemy: Ford, General Motors, and Forced Labor in Germany during the Second World War.HD4875.G4W67 2000.
Blaikie, Evi. Magda's Daughter: A Hidden Child's Journey Home. DS135.H93B57 2003.
Blatman, Daniel. Death Marches: The Final Phase of Nazi Genocide. D804.7.D43B528 2011.
Blatter, Janet. Art of the Holocaust. N7417.6.B59 1981.
Bleier, Inge J. Inge: A Girl's Journey through Nazi Europe. DS135.G5B55 2004.
Bloom, Harold. Literature of the Holocaust. PN56.H55L575 2004.
Bloxham, Donald. Genocide on Trial: War Crimes Trials and the Formation of Holocaust History and Memory. KZ1176.5.B57 2001.
Bluglass, Kerry. Hidden from the Holocaust: Stories of Resilient Children Who Survived and Thrived. D804.48.B55 2003.
Boas, Jacob, ed. We Are Witnesses: Five Diaries of Teenagers Who Died in the Holocaust. JUV D804.3.W385 1995.
Bolkosky, Sidney M. Searching for Meaning in the Holocaust. D804.3.B655 2002.
Borowski, Tadeusz. This Way for the Gas, Ladies and Gentlemen. PG7158.B613A28 1976.
Bosmajian, Hamida. Sparing the Child: Grief and the Unspeakable in Youth Literature about Nazism and the Holocaust.PN1009.5.N36B67 2001.
Bosworth, R.J.B. Explaining Auschwitz and Hiroshima: History Writing and the Second World War, 1945-1990. D743.42.B67 1993.
Bowman, Steven. Jewish Resistance in Wartime Greece. DS135.G7B69 2006.
The Boy in the Striped Pajamas. DVD PN1997.2.B69 2009.
Braham, Randolph L., ed. The Holocaust in Hungary: Sixty Years Later. DS135.H9H59 2006.
_____. The Politics of Genocide: The Holocaust in Hungary. DS135.H9B74 2000.
Brandon, Ray, ed. The Shoah in Ukraine: History, Testimony, Memorialization. DS135.U4S535 2008.
Brasse, Wilhelm. Wilhelm Brasse, Photographer 3444: Auschwitz 1940-1945. D805.5.A96B73 2012.
Breitbart, Aaron, ed. The Holocaust. 2 vols. CURR MAT D804.33.H64 1997.
Breitman, Richard. American Refugee Policy and European Jewry, 1933-1945 JV6895.J5B74 1987.
_____. FDR and the Jews. E807.B745 2013.
_____. Official Secrets: What the Nazis Planned, What the British and Americans Knew. D804.G4B765 1998.
Brenner, Reeve Robert. The Faith and Doubt of Holocaust Survivors. BM645.H6B73 1997.
Bridgman, Jon. The End of the Holocaust: The Liberation of the Camps. D802.A2B72 1990.
Brink, T. L., ed. Holocaust Survivors' Mental Health. RC451.4.H62H65 1994.
Brody, Cynthia Moskowitz, ed. Bittersweet Legacy: Creative Responses to the Holocaust; Art, Poetry, Stories. DS804.3.B556 2001.
Broken Silence. DVD C00188.
Brostoff, Anita, ed. Flares of Memory: Stories of Childhood during the Holocaust. D804.195.F53 2001.
Browning, Christopher R. Collected Memories: Holocaust History and Postwar Testimony. D804.348.B77 2003.
_____. Fateful Months: Essays on the Emergence of the Final Solution. DS135.Y82S493 1991.
_____. Nazi Policy, Jewish Workers, German Killers. D804.3.B769 2000.
_____. Ordinary Men: Reserve Police Battalion 101 and the Final Solution in Poland. D804.3.B77 1998.
_____. The Origins of the Final Solution: The Evolution of Nazi Jewish Policy, September 1939-March 1942. D804.3.B773 2004.
_____. The Path to Genocide: Essays on Launching the Final Solution. D804.3.B78 1992.
Bryant, Michael S. Confronting the "Good Death": Nazi Euthanasia on Trial, 1945-1953. D804.5.H35B79 2005.
Bukiet, Melvin Jules, ed. Nothing Makes You Free: Writings by Descendants of Jewish Holocaust Survivors. PN6071.H713N68 2002.
Burleigh, Michael. The Racial State: Germany, 1933-1945. DD256.5.B93 1991.
Burrin, Philippe. Nazi Anti-Semitism: From Prejudice to the Holocaust. DS146.G4B865 2005
Butnaru, I. C. The Silent Holocaust: Romania and Its Jews. DS135.R7B78 1992.
_____. Waiting for Jerusalem: Surviving the Holocaust in Romania. DS135.R7B85 1993.
Byers, Ann. Oskar Schindler: Saving Jews from the Holocaust. JUV D804.66.S38B94 2005.
Callahan, Kerry P. Mordechai Anielewicz: Hero of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising. JUV DS135.P63A6625 2001.
Callil, Carmen. Bad Faith: A Forgotten History of Family, Fatherland, and Vichy France. DC373.D354C35 2006.
Caracciolo, Nicole. Uncertain Refuge: Italy and the Jews during the Holocaust. DS135.I8C3713 1995.
Cargas, Harry James, ed. Problems Unique to the Holocaust. D804.3.P77 1999.
Cernyak-Spatz, Susan E. German Holocaust Literature. PT405.C38 1989.
Cesarani, David, ed. "Bystanders" to the Holocaust: A Re-evaluation. D804.3.B95 2002.
Chamber Music from Theresienstadt, 1941-1945. COMPACT DISC C0379.
Chamberlin, Brewster, ed. The Liberation of the Nazi Concentration Camps, 1945: Eyewitness Accounts of the Liberators. D805.A2L54 1987.
Chandler, David P. Brother Number One: A Political Biography of Pol Pot DS554.83.P65C43 1999.
_____. Facing the Cambodian Past: Selected Essays, 1971-1994. DS554.5.C45 1996b.
_____. Pol Pot Plans the Future: Confidential Leadership Documents from Democratic Kampuchea, 1976-1977. JQ939.A8P37 1988.
_____. Voices from S-21: Terror and History in Pol Pot's Secret Prison. HV8599.C16C48 1999.
Chare, Nicholas, ed. Representing Auschwitz: At the Margins of Testimony. D804.348.R47 2013.
Charney, Israel W, ed. Encyclopedia of Genocide. 2 vols. REF HV6322.7.E53 1999.
Chary, Frederick B. The Bulgarian Jews and the Final Solution, 1940-1944. DS135.B8C53 1972.
Chesnoff, Richard Z. Pack of Thieves: How Hitler and Europe Plundered the Jews and Committed the Greatest Theft in History.D804.3.C446 1999.
The Children of Chabannes. SCHWAB DVD C00974.
Chirot, Daniel. Why Not Kill Them All?: The Logic and Prevention of Mass Political Murder. HV6322.7.C47 2006.
Chorbajian, Levon, ed. Studies in Comparative Genocide. HV6322.7.S78 1999.
Chotjewitz, David. Daniel, Half-Human: And the Good Nazi. PZ7.C44635Dan 2004.
Chrostowski, Witold. Extermination Camp Treblinka. D805.5.T74C57 2004.
Cigar, Norman. Genocide in Bosnia: The Policy of "Ethnic Cleansing." DR1313.7.A85C54 1995.
Claudel, Philippe. Brodeck: A Novel. PQ2663.L31148R3713 2009.
Clendinnen, Inga. Reading the Holocaust. D804.348.C54 1999.
Cohen, Richard I. Burden of Conscience: French Jewish Leadership during the Holocaust. DS135.F83C635 1987.
Cohen, Roger. Soldiers and Slaves: American POWs Trapped by the Nazis' Final Gamble D805.5.B46C63 2005.
Cohen, Sharon Kangisser. Child Survivors of the Holocaust in Israel: Finding Their Voice: Social Dynamics and Post-War Experiences.D804.48.C64 2005.
Cohn, Marthe. Behind Enemy Lines: The True Story of a French Jewish Spy in Nazi Germany. DS135.F9C643 2002.
Cohn-Sharon, Lilo L. Child Survivors in the Shadows. DS134.42.C646A3 2013.
Cole, Tim. Holocaust City: The Making of a Jewish Ghetto. DS135.H92C65 2003.
_____. Selling the Holocaust: from Auschwitz to Schindler: How History is Bought, Packaged, and Sold. D804.3.C6495 1999.
Coleman, Fred. The Marcel Network: How One French Couple Saved 527 Children from the Holocaust. DS135.F9A334 2013.
Colijn, G. Jan, ed. The Netherlands and Nazi Genocide: Papers of the 21st Annual Scholar's Conference. D804.3.N48 1992.
Conspiracy. DVD C00603.
Corni, Gustavo. Hitler's Ghettos: Voices from a Beleaguered Society, 1939-1944. DS135.E83C6713 2002.
The Counterfeiters. DVD C00943.
Crane, Cynthia, ed. Divided Lives: The Untold Stories of Jewish-Christian Women in Nazi Germany. DS135.G5D59 2000.
Crispin, M. Guyle. Holocaust: A Q & A Guide to Help Young Adults Really Understand the Holocaust. CURR MAT D804.3.C76 2006.
Crowe, David M. Oskar Schindler: The Untold Account of His Life, Wartime Activities, and the True Story Behind the List.D804.66.S38C76 2004.
Cushman, Thomas, ed. This Time We Knew: Western Responses to Genocide in Bosnia. DR1313.T485 1996.
Czerniakow, Adam. The Warsaw Diary of Adam Czerniakow: Prelude to Doom. DS135.P62W2613 1999.
Dadrian, Vahakn N. The History of the Armenian Genocide: Ethnic Conflict from the Balkans to Anatolia to the Caucasus. DS195.5.D33 1997.
Dafni, Reuven, ed. Final Letters. D804.3.F56 1991b.
Dallaire, Roméo. Shake Hands with the Devil: The Failure of Humanity in Rwanda. DT450.435.D34 2003.
Dann, Sam, ed. Dachau 29 April 1945: The Rainbow Liberation Memoirs. D805.5.D33D33 1998.
Dannatt, Adrian. United States Holocaust Memorial Museum: James Ingo Freed. NA2400.W37U55 1995.
Daring to Resist: Three Women Face the Holocaust. VIDEO CASS. C0982.
David, Ruth. Child of Our Time: A Young Girl's Flight from the Holocaust. DS135.G5D3813 2003.
Davidson, Shamai. Holding on to Humanity—the Message of Holocaust Survivors: The Shamai Davidson Papers. D804.3.D376 1992.
Dawidowicz, Lucy S. The Holocaust and the Historians. D810.J4D32.
_____. What is the Use of Jewish History?: Essays. DS115.5.D38 1992.
De Nike, Howard J., ed. Genocide in Cambodia: Documents from the Trial of Pol Pot and Ieng Sary. KNM41.P65P65 2000.
DeCoste, F.C. The Holocaust's Ghost: Writings on Art, Politics, Law, and Education. D804.18.H68 2000.
Dembowski, Peter F. Christians in the Warsaw Ghetto: An Epitaph for the Unremembered. BR158.D46 2005
The Devil's Arithmetic. DVD C00600.
The Diary of Anne Frank. DVD PN1995.9.J46D5 2009.
Dickinson, John K. German and Jew: The Life and Death of Sigmund Stein. DS135.G33D45 2001.
Didi-Huberman, Georges. Images in Spite of All: Four Photographs from Auschwitz. D804.348.D5313 2008.
Diner, Hasia R. We Remember with Reverence and Love: American Jews and the Myth of Silence after the Holocaust, 1945-1962.D804.3.D58 2009.
Doherty, Muriel Knox. Letters from Belsen 1945: An Australian Nurse's Experiences with the Survivors of War. D805.5.B47D64 2000.
Doneson, Judith E. The Holocaust in American Film. PN1995.9.H53D66 2002.
Double Crossing: The Story of the St. Louis. VIDEO CASS. C1106.
Douglas, Lawrence. The Memory of Judgment: Making Law and History in the Trials of the Holocaust. KZ1174.D68 2001.
Drndić, Daša. Trieste. PG1619.14.R58S6613 2014.
Drucker, Olga Levy. Kindertransport. JUV DS135.G5D783 1992.
Duffy, Peter. The Bielski Brothers: The True Story of Three Men Who Defied the Nazis, Saved 1,200 Jews, and Built a Village in the Forest.DS135.B383D84 2003.
Dumbach, Annette E. Sophie Scholl and the White Rose. DD256.3.D825 2007.
Dunai, Eleanor C. Surviving in Silence: A Deaf Boy in the Holocaust: The Harry I. Dunai Story. DS135.H93D863 2002
Dwork, Deborah. Holocaust: A History. D804.3.D87 2002.
Eaglestone, Robert, ed. Teaching Holocaust Literature and Film. D804.33.T466 2008.
Ehrenburg, Ilya, ed. The Black Book: The Ruthless Murder of Jews by German Fascist Invaders. DS135.R92C4713 1981.
Ehrenfreund, Norbert. The Nuremberg Legacy: How the Nazi War Crimes Trials Changed the Course of History. KZ1176.5.E37 2007.
Eibeshitz, Jehoshua, ed. Women in the Holocaust: A Collection of Testimonies. 2 vols. D804.47.W656 1993.
Eisen, George. Children and Play in the Holocaust: Games among the Shadows. D810.J4E35 1988.
Eisenstein, Bernice. I Was a Child of Holocaust Survivors. F1059.5.T689J53 2006b.
Eizenstat, Stuart E. Imperfect Justice: Looted Assets, Slave Labor, and the Unfinished Business of World War II. D804.7.E26E59 2003.
Eliach, Yaffa, ed. The Liberators: Eyewitnesses Accounts of the Liberation of Concentration Camps: Oral History Testimonies of American Liberators from the Archives of the Center for Holocaust Studies. D805.G3L474 1981.
Eman, Diet. Things We Couldn't Say. D811.5.E44 1999.
Engelking-Boni, Barbara. The Warsaw Ghetto: A Guide to the Perished City. DS134.64.E5413 2009.
Epstein, Barbara. The Minsk Ghetto, 1941-1943: Jewish Resistance and Soviet Internationalism. DS135.B38E67 2008.
Epstein, Helen. Children of the Holocaust: Conversations with Sons and Daughters of Survivors. D810.J4E62 1979.
Ericksen, Robert P., ed. Betrayal: German Churches and the Holocaust. DS146.G4B49 1999.
Europa Europa. DVD C00338.
Evans, Gareth J. Responsibility to Protect: Ending Mass Atrocity Crimes Once and for All. HV6322.7E93 2008.
Evans, Richard J. Lying about Hitler: History, Holocaust, and the David Irving Trial. KD379.5.I78E95 2001.
Evans, Suzanne E. Forgotten Crimes: The Holocaust and People with Disabilities. D804.5.H35E93 2004.
Ezrahi, Sidra DeKoven. By Words Alone: The Holocaust in Literature. PN56.H55E9 1980.
Fallace, Thomas D. The Emergence of Holocaust Education in American Schools. D804.33.F35 2008.
Fateless. DVD C00373.
Favez, Jean-Claude. The Red Cross and the Holocaust. D804.6.F38 1999.
Feinstein, Stephen C., ed. Witness and Legacy: Contemporary Art about the Holocaust. N6490.W56 2000.
Fellman, Marc Lee. Moral Complexity and the Holocaust. D804.7.M67F45 2009.
Felstiner, Mary Lowenthal. To Paint Her Life: Charlotte Salomon in the Nazi Era. ND1954.S24F45 1997.
Fenyvesi, Charles. When Angels Fooled the World: Rescuers of Jews in Wartime Hungary. D804.65.F46 2003.
Ferencz, Benjamin B. Less than Slaves: Jewish Forced Labor and the Quest for Compensation. D804.3.F48 2002.
Fermaglich, Kirsten Lise. American Dreams and Nazi Nightmares: Early Holocaust Consciousness and Liberal America, 1957-1965.D804.7.M67F47 2006
Fernekes, William R. The Oryx Holocaust Sourcebook. SCHWAB REF D804.3.F47 2002.
Fink, Ida. A Scrap of Time and Other Stories. PG7165.I44S513 1995.
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