Scholarly Resources

Resources for Scholarly Work on English Emblem Books

Assembled by Marianne Cotugno

Citations are organized according to the following categories:

Chronology of Important Events in Emblem Book History



General Information and Studies

Bath, Michael. Speaking Pictures: English Emblem Books and Renaissance Culture. London: Longman, 1994.

Birkerts, Sven. "The Book as Emblem: The Besieged Stronghold." Journal of Scholarly Publishing 1 (1994):3-7.

Bravo-Villasante, Carmen. "Text and Illustration in Emblem Books." Responses to Children's Literature. Ed. by Geoff Fox, Graham Hammond, and Stuart Amor. 88-91. Proc. of 4th Symposium of Internat. Research Soc. for Children's Lit., held at Univ. of Exeter, Sept. 9-12, 1978. New York Saur for Internat. Research Soc. for Children's Lit. 1980.

Daly, Peter M., ed. The English Emblem and the Continental Tradition. New York: AMS, 1988.

Diehl, Huston. "Graven Images: Protestant Emblem Books in England." Renaissance Quarterly 39 (1986):49-66.

Horden, John. "Renaissance Emblem Books: A Comment on Terminology." Literature and the Art of Creation. Ed. by Robert Welch and Suheil Badi Bushrui. Totowa, NJ: Barnes & Noble, 1988. 61-70.

Robins, Lorelei. "The Role of Commentary in Emblem Books." The European Emblem: Towards an Index Emblematicus. Ed. by Peter M. Daly. Waterloo, Canada: Wilfrid Laurier University Press,1980. 15-27.

Russell, Daniel. "Emblems and Hieroglyphics: Some Observations on the Beginnings and the Nature of Emblematic Forms." Emblematica: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Emblem Studies. 1 (1986):227-243.

Westerweel, Bart. "Emblematic and Non-Emblematic Aspects of English Renaissance Pattern Poetry." Emblematica. (SOURCE UNIDENTIFIED)

Young, Alan R. "Facsimiles, Microform Reproductions, and Modern Editions of Emblem Books." Emblematica: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Emblem Studies. (1986):109-156.

Cultural Context and Issues

Bagley, Ayers. "English Dictionary Definitions of 'Emblem' and 'Device' from Elyot to Johnson." Emblematica: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Emblem Studies. 4 (1989):177-99.

Bagley, Ayers. "Some Pedagogical Uses of the Emblem in Sixteenth and Seventeenth Century England. Emblematica: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Emblem Studies. 7 (1993):39-60.

Bath, Michael. "Anglo-Dutch Relations in the Field of the Emblem." Emblems in Glasgow: A Collection of Essays Drawing on the Stirling Maxwell Collection in Glasgow University Library. Ed. by Alison Adams. Glasgow: Univ. of Glasgow Fr. & Ger. Pubs., 1992. 25-46

Bath, Michael. "Collared Stags and Bridled Lions: Queen Elizabeth's Household Accounts." The English Emblem and the Continental Tradition Ed. by Peter M. Daly. New York: AMS,1988. 225-257.

Daly, Peter M. "England and the Emblem: The Cultural Context of English Emblem Books." The English Emblem and the Continental Tradition. Ed. by Peter M. Daly. New York: AMS,1988. 1-60.

Diehl, Huston. "Discovering the Old World: The Renaissance Emblem Book as Cultural Artifact." Approaches to Teaching the Metaphysical Poets. Ed. by Sideny Gottlieb. New York: Modern Language Association of America,1990. 68-74

Dimler, G. Richard, S.J. "The Jesuit Emblem Handbook Project: A Report." Emblematica: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Emblem Studies. 1 (1986): 198-204.

Dimler, G. Richard, S.J. "The Jesuit Emblem Book in 17th Century Protestant England." Archivum Historicum Societatis Iesu. 53 (1984):357-369.

Engel, William Edward. "Emblems and sententiae in Seventeenth-Century Prose: Mystical and Literary Design in Robert Burton and Thomas Browne." Dissertation Abstracts International 48 (1988) no. 9:2193A.

Harms, Wolfgang. "The Authority of the Emblem." Emblematica: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Emblem Studies. 5 (1991):3-2.

Holtgen, Karl Josef. "Emblem and Meditation: Some English Emblem Books and Their Jesuit Models." Explorations in Renaissance Culture. 18 (1992): 55-91.

Raspa, Anthony. "Native English Emblem Books and Their Catholic Manifestations." Word %T& Image: A Journal of Verbal/Visual Enquiry. 3 (1987):104-110.

Russell, Daniel. "The Emblem and Authority." Word %T& Image: A Journal of Verbal/Visual Enquiry. 4 (1988):81-87

Young, Alan R. "Wenceslaus Hollar, the London Book Trade, and Two Unidentified English Emblem Books." The English Emblem and the Continental Tradition. Ed. by Peter M. Daly. New York: AMS, 1988. 151-202

Emblem Books by a Specific Author

Baird-Lange, Lorrayne Y. "Victim Criminalized: Iconographic Traditions and Peacham's Ganymede Newark." Traditions and Innovations: Essays on British Literature of the Middle Ages and the Renaissance. Ed. by David G. Allen, and Robert A.White. Newark, Delaware: University of Delaware Press, 1990. 231-250. Daly, Peter M. "William Marshall's Emblems (1650) Rediscovered." English Literary Renaissance. 19 (1989):346-374.

Demers, Patricia. "'Musick's Duell': Crashaw and Henry Hawkins." English Studies in Canada. 10 (1984) no. 4:381-390.

Dimler, G. Richard, S.J. "Edmund Arwaker's Translation of the Pia Desideria: The Reception of a Continental Jesuit Emblem Book in Seventeenth-Century England." The English Emblem and the Continental Tradition. Ed. by Peter M. Daly. New York: AMS, 1988. 203-224

Holtgen, Karl Josef. "Francis Quarles's Second Emblem Book: Hieroglyphikes of the Life of Man." Word and Visual Imagination: Studies in the Interaction of English Literature and the Visual Arts. Ed. by Karl Josef Holtgen, Peter M. Daly, and Wolfgang Lottes, Wolfgang. Erlangen, Germany: Erlangen Universitatsbibliothek Erlangen-Nurnberg, 1988. 183-207.

Horden, John. "The Christian Pilgrim, 1652, and Francis Quarles's Emblemes and Hieroglyphikes, 1643." Emblematica: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Emblem Studies 4 (1989):63-90.

Manning, Gillian. "Hexastichon Hieron: A Hitherto Unrecorded English Emblem Book of the Restoration Period." Emblematica: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Emblem Studies. 6 (1992):307-22.

Manning, John. "Whitney's Choice of Emblemes: A Reassessment." Renaissance Studies: Journal of the Society for Renaissance Studies 4 (1990):155-200.

Manning, John, ed. The Emblems of Thomas Palmer: Two Hundred Poosees, Sloane MS 3794. New York: AMS, 1988.

Manning, John. "Unpublished and Unedited Emblems by Geffrey Whitney: Further Evidence of the English Adaptation of Continental Traditions." The English Emblem and the Continental Tradition. Ed. by Peter M. Daly. New York: AMS, 1988. 83-107.

Saunders, Alison. "The Theatre des bons engins through English Eyes (La Perriere, Combe and Whitney)." Revue de Litterature Comparee. 64 (1990):653-73.

Silcox, Mary V. "The Translation of La Perriere's Le Theatre des bons engins into Combe's The Theater of Fine Devices." Emblematica: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Emblem Studies. 2 (1987):61-94.

Tung, Mason. "From Mirror to Emblem: A Study of Peacham's Use of Mikrokosmos in Minerva Britanna." Word & Image: A Journal of Verbal/Visual Enquiry. 5 (1989):326-332.

Tung, Mason. "From Personifications to Emblems: A Study of Peacham's Use of Ripa's Iconologia in Minerva Britanna. The English Emblem and the Continental Tradition.Ed. by Peter M. Daly. New York: AMS,1988. 109-150

Tung, Mason. "From Impresa to Emblem: Peacham's Use of Typotius's Symbola and Other Impresa Collections in Minerva Britanna." Emblematica: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Emblem Studies. 3 (1988):79-100.

Tung, Mason. "Fables in Emblems: A Study of Peacham's Use of Aesop and Aesopics in Minerva Britanna." Studies in Iconography. 12 (1988):43-60.

Tung, Mason. "From Heraldry to Emblem: A Study of Peacham's Use of Heraldic Arms in Minerva Britanna" Word & Image: A Journal of Verbal/Visual Enquiry. 3 (1987):86-94.

Tung, Mason. "A List of Flora and Fauna in Peacham's Minerva Britanna and Alciati's Emblemata Together with Possible Models in Contemporary Illustrations." Emblematica: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Emblem Studies. 1 (1986):345-357.

Young, Alan R. "Wither's Second Emblem Book: Divine Poems." Emblematica: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Emblem Studies. 7 (1993):189-99.

Young, A. R. "Henry Peacham, Ripa's Iconologia, and Vasari's Lives." Renaissance and Reformation/Renaissance et Reforme. 9 (1985):177-188.

Authorship Attribution Questions

Bath, Michael. "Joseph Thomas and John Thurston's Religious Emblems (1809)." Emblematica: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Emblem Studies. 7 (1993):201-04.

Manning, John. "Continental Emblem Books in Sixteenth-Century England: The Evidence of Sloane MS. 3794." Emblematica: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Emblem Studies. 1 (1986):1-11.

Catalogs and Cataloguing Emblem Books

Daly, Peter M. "The Union Catalogue of Emblem Books and the Corpus Liborum Emblematum." Emblematica: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Emblem Studies. 3 (1988):121-133.

Daly, Peter M. and Mary V. Silcox. "A Short Title Listing of English Emblem Books and Emblematic Works Printed to 1900." Emblematica: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Emblem Studies. 4 (1989):333-76.

Dimler, G. Richard, S.J. "Short Title Listing of Jesuit Emblem Books." Emblematica: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Emblem Studies. 2 (1987):139-187.

Heckscher, William S. "Heliotropes and Romantic Ruins: Recent Emblematic Acquisitions." Princeton University Library Chronicle. 45 (1983):33-40.

McGeary, Thomas, ed. Emblem Books at the University of Illinois: A Bibliographic Catalogue, I: Original Editions; II: Reprints and Microforms. Boston: Hall, 1993.

McGeary, Thomas. "The Emblem Book Cataloguing Project at the University of Illinois." Emblematica: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Emblem Studies. 1 (1986):194-197.


Bath, Michael. "The Serpent-Eating Stag in the Renaissance." Ed. by Michael Salvat. Epopee animale, fable, fabliau. 55-69.

Diehl, Huston. An Index of Icons in English Emblem Books. Norman, OK: Univ. of Oklahoma Press, 1986.

Dundas, Judith. "Arachne's Web: Emblem into Art." Emblematica: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Emblem Studies." 2 (1987):109-137.

Hypermedia and Emblem Books

Graham, David. "Putting Old Wine in New Bottles: Emblem Books and Computer Technology." Emblematica: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Emblem Studies. 5 (1991):271-85.

Graham, David. "The Emblematic Hyperbook: Using HyperCard on Emblem Books." Hypermedia and Literary Studies. Ed. by Paul Delany and George Landow. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press,1991. 273-86

Emblem Books as Sources

Bowers, A. Robin. "Emblem and Rape in Shakespeare's Lucrece and Titus Andronicus." Studies in Iconography. 10 (1984-1986):79-96.

Dundas, Judith. "Shakespeare's Imagery: Emblem and the Imitation of Nature." Shakespeare Studies. 16 (1983):45-56.

Hunt, Maurice. "Pericles and the Emblematic Imagination." Studies in the Humanities. 17 (1990):1-20.

Monteiro, George. "The Experienced Emblem: A Study of the Poetry of Emily Dickinson." Prospects: An Annual Journal of American Cultural Studies. 6 (1981):187-280.

Stanford, Ann. "Anne Bradstreet's Emblematic Garden." Critical Essays on Anne Bradstreet. Ed. by Patty Cowell and Ann Stanford. Boston, MA: Hall, 1983. 238-253

Young, Alan R. "'Te stante virebo': Thomas Hardy's 'The Ivy-Wife' and Emblematic Tradition." Word and Visual Imagination: Studies in the Interaction of English Literature and the Visual Arts. Ed. by Karl Josef Holtgen Wolfgang Lottes, and Peter M. Daly. Erlangen Univ.-Bibliothek Erlangen-Nurnberg, 1988. 327-347


Other Emblem Book Websites

Glasgow University Emblem Book WebsiteThis site specializes in French emblematic texts. Glasgow University holds the Stirling Maxwell Collection of Emblem Books, the largest such collection in the world.

Alciato's Book of Emblems: The Memorial Web Edition in Latin and English.Provides the Latin text and images from a significant edition of 1621 and gives an English translation. Also contains links to other useful sites and resources.